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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Weight Loss Diet Program - Result Guranteed

The following diet and health program was developed for employees and dependents of General Motors, Inc. and is intended for their exclusive use. This program was developed in conjunction with a grant from U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration. It was field tested at the Johns Hopkins Research Centre and was approved for distribution by the Board of Directors, General Motors Corp. at a general meeting on August 15, 1985. General Motors Corp. wholly endorses this program and is making it available to all employees and families. This program will be available at all General Motors Food Service Facilities. It is management's intention to facilitate a wellness and fitness program for everyone. 

This program is designed for a target weight loss of 10-17 lbs per week. It will also improve your attitudes and emotions because of its cleansing systematic effects.

The effectiveness of this seven day plan is that the food eaten burn more calories than they give to the body in caloric value.
This plan can be used as often as you like without any fear of complications. It is designed to flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well being. After seven days you will begin to feel lighter because you will be lighter by at least 10 lbs. You will have an abundance of energy and an improved disposition.

During the first seven days you must abstain from all alcohol
You must drink 10 glasses of water each day

Day One All fruits except bananas. Your first day will consist of all the fruits you want. It is strongly suggested that you consume lots of melons the first day. Especially watermelon and a loupe. If you limit your fruit consumption to melons, your chances of losing three lbs. on first day are very good.

Day Two All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the amount or type. For your complex carbohydrate, you will start day two with a large baked potato for breakfast. You may top the potato with one pat of butter.

Day Three A mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet. No potatoes today.

Day Four Bananas and milk. Today you will eat as many as eight bananas and drink three glasses of milk. This will be combined with the special soup which may be eaten in limited quantities.

Day Five Today is feast day. You will eat beef and tomatoes. Eat two 10 oz. portions of lean beef. Hamburger is OK. Combine this with six whole tomatoes. On day five you must increase your water intake by one quart. This is to cleanse your system of the uric acid you will be producing.

Day Six Beef and vegetables. Today you may eat an unlimited amount of beef and vegetables. Eat to your hearts content.

Day Seven Today your food intake will consist of brown rice, fruit juices and all the vegetables you care to consume.

Tomorrow morning you will be 10-17 lbs. lighter than one week ago. If you desire further weight loss, repeat the program again. You may repeat this program as often as you like, however, it is suggested that you are allowed two glasses of white wine in addition to the instructions on the program. You may substitute champagne for white wine. Under no circumstances are you to drink any other alcoholic beverages with the exception of beer which is allowed. Any liquor (bourbon,vodka, rum) is forbidden. Cream drinks are especially forbidden. You may have an occasional cordial such as creme de menthe or schnapps, but you must always limit yourself to two drinks. If you wine, drink only wine that day. If you have beer, drink only beer that day, etc. Alcohol adds empty calories to your diet. However, after the first week it will help your digestion and settle your stomach. 

G.M.'S Wonder Soup
The following soup is intended as a supplement to your diet. It can be eaten any time of the day in virtually unlimited quantities. You are encouraged to consume large quantities of this soup.

28 oz, Water, 6 Large Onions, 2 Green Peppers, Whole Tomatoes (fresh or canned), 1 Head Cabbage, 1 Bunch Celery, 4 Envelopes Lipton Onion Soup Mix, Herbs and Flavouring as desired.

Additional Comments
Vegetables as may be taken in the form of a salad if desired. No dressing except malt, white or wine vinegar, squeezed lemon, garlic, herbs. No more than one tea spoon of oil.

 You have been given a recipe for the WONDER SOUP which can be eaten in unlimited quantities. This soup is a supplement while you are on the program and it should be a pleasure to eat. Not everyone likes cabbage, green peppers, calory etc. This recipe is not inflexible. You may substitute vegetables according to your taste. You may add any vegetables you like: asparagus, peas, corn, turnips, green beans, cauliflower, etc. Try to stay away from beans (lima, pinto, kidney, etc.), however, because they tend to be high in calories even though they are very good for you.

Beverages you may consume while on the program :
  1. Water (flavoured with lemon/lime if desired).
  2. Club Soda is OK.
  3. Black Coffee. No cream or cream substitute. No sugar or sweetness.
  4. Black Tea = Herb or Leaf.
  5. Absolutely nothing else except the fruit juices which are part of day seven. No fruit juices before day seven.

How and Why It Works
Day One you are preparing your system for the upcoming programme. Your only source of nutrition is fresh or canned fruits. Fruits are nature's perfect food. They provide everything you could possibly want to sustain life except total balance and variety.

Day Two starts with a fix of complex carbo-hydrates coupled with an oil dose. This is taken in the morning for energy and balance. The rest of day two consists of vegetables which are virtually calorie free and provide essential nutrients and fibre.

Day Three eliminates the potato because you get your carbohydrates from the fruits. You system is now prepared to start burning excess pounds. You will still have cravings which should start to diminish by day four.

Day Four, bananas, milk and soup sound the strangest and least desirable. You're in for a surprise. You probably will not eat all the bananas allowed. But they are there for the potassium you have lost and the sodium you may have missed the past three days. You will notice a definite loss of desire for sweets. You will be surprised how easy this day will go.

Day Five, Beef and tomatoes. The beef is for iron and proteins, the tomatoes are for digestion and fibre. Lots and lots of water purifies your system. You should notice colourless urine today. Your allowance calls for the equivalent of five "quarter ponders". Do not feel you have to eat all this beef. You must eat the six tomatoes.

Day Six is similar to day five, Iron and proteins from beef, Vitamins and fibre from vegetables. By now your system is in a total weight loss inclination. There should be a noticeable difference in the way you look today, compared to day one.

Day Seven finished off the program like a good cigar used to finish off Victorian meals, except much healthier. You have your system under control and it should thank you for the flushing and cleaning you just gave it.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Complete List of SAP Modules

Searching for an outline for SAP Modules in a glance , what is included in SAP and what are the details for each module , you can browse through it and can get an idea that what exactly in to SAP individual module comprises of .

A) Environments for SAP ERP

1. Supported Hardware
2. Supported Database
3. Supported Operating System


1. Basis
2. ABAP/4 Programming
3. FI (Financial Accounting)
4. CO (Controlling)
5. EC (Enterprise Controlling)
6. TR (Treasury)
7. IM (Investment Management)
8. HR (Human Resource)
9. SD (Sales and Distribution)
10. Logistics Information System
11. MM (Materials Management)
12. PM (Plant Maintenance)
13. PP (Production Planning)
14. QM - Quality Management
15. BW (Business Warehousing)
16. IS (Industry Solutions) / SAP for Industries specific solutions
17. CS (Customer Service)
18. SMB
19. CA (Cross Application Components)
20. PS (Project Systems)
21. mySAP SEM
22. mySAP CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
23. mySAP Product Life Cycle Management
24. SCM (SAP Supply Chain Management)
25. Netweaver
26. mySAP SRM (Supplier Relationship Management)


1. Supported Hardware for SAP ERP

SAP can be installed on the following systems. The functionality and
programming technique is same for all systems.

1.1. HP
1.2. IBM
1.3. Sun
1.4. AT&T
1.5. AS400
1.6. Bull
1.7. Sequent
1.8. SNI
1.9. Compaq Digital

2. Supported Database for SAP ERP

SAP is a back-end-free ERP system. That means the following Database can be
used in SAP software. The functionality/programming technique is same for all
database system.

2.1. Oracle
2.2. MS SQL
2.3. Informix
2.4. Sybase
2.5. Adabas D
2.6. DB2 for AIX
2.7. DB2/400
 3. Supported Operating System for SAP

SAP can be installed on the following platforms (Operating systems):

3.1. MS Windows NT
3.2. OS/400
3.3. Unix
3.4. Solaris
3.5. AIX
3.6. HP UX
3.7. Sinux

B) Complete SAP Modules:

1. SAP Basis
1.1. Security (BC - SEC)
1.2. Application Link Enabling (ALE)
1.3. Remote Function Calls (RFC)
1.4. Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)
1.5. Common Program Interface Communications (CPI-C)
1.6. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
1.7. Customizing (BC-CUS)
1.8. ABAP Programming and Runtime Environment (BC - ABA)
1.9. Client Server Technology (BC - CST)
1.10. Network Integration (BC - NET)
1.11. Basis Services/ Communication Interfaces (BC - SRV)
1.12. Computing Center Management System (BC - CCM)
1.13. Upgrade General (BC - UPG)
1.14. Change and Transport System (BC - CTS)
1.15. Operating System Platform(BC - OP)
1.16. Database Interface, database platforms (BC - DB)
1.17. Front End Services (BC - FES)
1.18. ABAP Workbench (BC - DWB)
1.19. Documentation and Translation Tools (BC - DOC)
1.20. Controls and Control Framework (BC - CI)
1.21. Business Management (BC - BMT)
1.22. Middleware (BC - MID)
1.23. Computer Aided Test Tool (BC - CAT)
1.24. Ready to Run R/3 (BC - BRR)
1.25. Authorisations System Monitoring with CCMS Workload Alert Monitor

 2. ABAP/4 Programming
2.1 ABAP Workbench
2.2 Menu Painter
2.3 Screen Painter
2.4 Data Dictionary
2.5 SAP Script
2.6 Business Workflow (BC - WF)
2.7 ALE
2.8 EDI
2.9 Business Connector
2.10 Business Server Pages
2.11 Internet Application Server
2.12 Mercator Report Painter
2.13 ALV reporting
2.14 Report writer
2.15 Dialog Programming
2.16 Repository Information System
2.17 ABAP 00
2.18 IDOCS
2.19 LSMW
2.20 Smartforms
2.21 EBP
2.22 ASAP methodology
2.23 ABAP Query

 3. SAP FI (Financial Accounting)
3.1. General Ledger Accounting (FI - GL)
3.2. Special Ledger (FI - SL)
3.3. Extended Ledger
3.4. Accounts Payable (FI- AP)
3.5. Accounts Receivable (FI - AR)
3.6. Asset Accounting (FI - AA)
3.7. Bank Accounting
3.8. Funds Management (FI - FM)
3.9. Travel Management (FI-TM)
3.10. Consolidation

4. SAP CO (Controlling)

4.1. Cost Centre Accounting (CO - CCA)
4.2. Overhead Cost Controlling (CO - OM)
4.3. Activity Based Coding (CO - ABC)
4.4. Product Cost Controlling (CO - PC)
4.5. Profitability Analysis (CO - PA)
4.6. Material Ledger (CO - ML)

5. SAP EC (Enterprise Controlling)

5.1. Consolidation (EC - CS)
5.2. Executive Information System (EC-EIS)
5.3. Profit Center Accounting (EC - PCA)
5.4. Business Planning and Budgeting

6. SAP TR (Treasury)

6.1. Cash Management (TR - CM)
6.2. Loans Management (TR - LM)
6.3. Market Risk Management (TR - MRM)
6.4. Treasury Management (TR - TM)
6.5. Funds Management (TR - FM)
6.6. Information System

7. SAP IM (Investment Management)

7.1. Investment Programmes
7.2. Investment Measures (orders/products)
7.3. Corporation Wide Budgeting
7.4. Appropriation Requests
7.5. Automatic Settlement of Fixed Assets
7.6. Depreciation Forecast
7.7. Information System

8. SAP HR (Human Resource)

  1. 8.1. Recruitment 
  2. 8.2. Personnel Administration 
  3. 8.3. Benefits Administration 
  4. 8.4. Compensation Management 
  5. 8.5. Personnel Development 
  6. 8.6. Organizational Management 
  7. 8.7. Travel Management 
  8. 8.8. Training and Events Management 
  9. 8.9. Personnel Planning 
  10. 8.10. Time Management 
  11. 8.11. Incentive 
  12. 8.12. Wages 
  13. 8.13. Workflow 
  14. 8.14. Payroll 
  15. 8.15. Internet Scenarios 
  16. 8.16. Information System 

9. SAP SD (Sales and Distribution)

  1. 9.1. Master Data 
  2. 9.2. Sales 
  3. 9.3. Sales Support 
  4. 9.4. Sales Information System 
  5. 9.5. Billing 
  6. 9.6. Special Business Transactions 
  7. 9.7. Shipping 
  8. 9.8. Transportation 
  9. 9.9. Credit Control 
  10. 9.10. QM in SD 
  11. 9.11. Internet 
  12. 9.12. Foreign Trade 
  13. 9.13. Electronic Data Interchange 

 10. SAP Logistics Information System

  1. 10.1. Purchasing Information System 
  2. 10.2. Sales Information System 
  3. 10.3. Inventory Controlling 
  4. 10.4. Retail Information System 
  5. 10.5. Production Planning and Control Information System 
  6. 10.6. Plant Maintenance Information System 
  7. 10.7. Project Information System 

 SAP MM (Materials Management)

  1. 11.1. Purchasing 
  2. 11.2. Invoice Verification 
  3. 11.3. Logistics (General) 
  4. 11.4. Logistics Information System 
  5. 11.5. Inventory Management 
  6. 11.6. Inventory / Valuations 
  7. 11.7. Materials Planning 
  8. 11.8. Workflow 
  9. 11.9. External Services Management 
  10. 11.10. QM in MM 
  11. 11.11. Warehouse Management 

 12. SAP PM (Plant Maintenance)

  1. 12.1. Preventative Maintenance 
  2. 12.2. Maintenance Order Management 
  3. 12.3. Maintenance Projects 
  4. 12.4. Service Management 
  5. 12.5. Maintenance Planning 
  6. 12.6. Equipment and Technical Objects 
  7. 12.7. Structuring Technical Systems 
  8. 12.8. PM Processing 
  9. 12.9. Work Clearance Management 
  10. 12.10. Internet Scenarios 
  11. 12.11. Customizing 
  12. 12.12. Information System 

13. SAP PP (Production Planning)

  1. 13.1. Make to Order (CR) 
  2. 13.2. Make to Order (PIR) 
  3. 13.3. Repetitive Manufacturing 
  4. 13.4. PP for Process Industries (PP - PI) 
  5. 13.5. PP - Processes 
  6. 13.6. Sales and Operations Planning 
  7. 13.7. Capacity requirements 
  8. 13.8. Master Planning 
  9. 13.9. KANBAN 
  10. 13.10. Production Orders 
  11. 13.11. Product Cost Planning 
  12. 13.12. Plant Data Collection 
  13. 13.13. Assembly Orders 
  14. 13.14. Information System 

14. SAP QM - Quality Management

  1. 14.1. Planning 
  2. 14.2. Inspections 
  3. 14.3. Notifications 
  4. 14.4. Control 
  5. 14.5. Certificates 
  6. 14.6. Test Equipment Management 
  7. 14.7. QM-IS 

15. SAP BW (Business Warehousing)

  1. 15.1. Data Warehousing 
  2. 15.2. BI Suite - Business Explorer 
  3. 15.3. BI Platform 
  4. 15.4. ODS Structures 
  5. 15.5. Development Technologies 
  6. 15.6. Info Cube 
  7. 15.7. Design Build 

 16. SAP CS (Customer Service)

  1. 16.1. Service Processing 
  2. 16.2. Controlling 
  3. 16.3. Service Contracts 
  4. 16.4. Workflow in Customer Service 


  1. 17.1. SAP SMB 

18. SAP CA (Cross Application Components)

  1. 18.1. SAP Business Workflow 
  2. 18.2. Application Link Enabling (ALE) 

19. SAP PS (Project Systems)

  1. 19.1. Basic Data 
  2. 19.2. Operational Structures 
  3. 19.3. Project Planning 
  4. 19.4. Approval 
  5. 19.5. Information System 
  6. 19.6. Project Execution and Integration 
  7. 19.7. Work Breakdown Structure 

20. mySAP SRM (Supplier Relationship Management)

  1. 20.1. Self Service Procurement 
  2. 20.2. Service Procurement 
  3. 20.3. Plan Driven Procurement 
  4. 20.4. Spend Analysis 
  5. 20.5. Strategic Sourcing 
  6. 20.6. Catalogue Content Management 

21. mySAP SEM 

  1. 21.1. Business Consolidation (SEM-BCS) 
  2. 21.2. Business Information Collection (SEM-BIC) 
  3. 21.3. Business Planning and Simulation (BW-BPS) 
  4. 21.4. Corporate Performance Monitor (SEM-CPM) 
  5. 21.5. Stakeholder Relationship Management (SEM-SRM) 

22. mySAP CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

  1. 22.1. CRM Enterprise 
  2. 22.2. Field Applications 
  3. 22.3. Interaction Center 
  4. 22.4. E-Commerce 
  5. 22.5. Channel Management 
  6. 22.6. Industry Specific CRM 

23. mySAP Product Life Cycle Management

  1. 23.1. Document Management 
  2. 23.2. Engineering Change Management 
  3. 23.3. Enterprise Content Management 
  4. 23.4. Classification 
  5. 23.5. Basic Data for Process Manufacturing 

24. SAP SCM (SAP Supply Chain Management)

  1. 24.1. SCM Process and Business Scenarios 
  2. 24.2. SAP Forecasting and Replenishment 
  3. 24.3. SAP Advance Planning and Optimization (SAP - APO) 
  4. 24.4. SAP Inventory Collaboration Hub (SAP - OCH) 
  5. 24.5. SAP Event Management (SAP - EM) 
  6. 24.6. SCM Basis 

25. SAP Netweaver

  1. 25.1. SAP Masterdata Management 
  2. 25.2. Information Integration 
  3. 25.3. Portal Content 
  4. 25.4. Process Integration 
  5. 25.5. Knowledge Management 
  6. 25.6. Life Cycle Management 
  7. 25.7. SAP Business Intelligence 
  8. 25.8. SAP Visual Composer 
  9. 25.9. People Integration 
  10. 25.10. Application Platform 
  11. 25.11. SAP Web Application Server 
  12. 25.12. SAP Business Information Warehouse 
  13. 25.13. SAP Solution Manager 
  14. 25.14. SAP Enterprise Portal 
  15. 25.15. SAP Mobile Engine 
  16. 25.16. Security 

26. SAP IS (Industry Solutions) / SAP for Industries

  1. 26.1. Aerospace & Defence 
  2. 26.2. Consumer Products 
  3. 26.3. Defence & Security 
  4. 26.4. Retail 
  5. 26.5. Insurance 
  6. 26.6. Mill Products 
  7. 26.7. Higher Education & Research 
  8. 26.8. Industrial Machinery & Components 
  9. 26.9. Logistics Service Providers 
  10. 26.10. Automotive 
  11. 26.11. Chemicals 
  12. 26.12. Pharmaceuticals 
  13. 26.13. Banking 
  14. 26.14. Telecoms 
  15. 26.15. Life Sciences 
  16. 26.16. Mining 
  17. 26.17. Public Sector 
  18. 26.18. Service Provider 
  19. 26.19. Media 
  20. 26.20. Healthcare 
  21. 26.21. Oil & Gas 
  22. 26.22. Utilities 
  23. 26.23. Postal Services 

Android 4.5 or 5.0 Lollipop release , Android L

Lollipop; New Android 4.5 or 5.0 release date plus new features: Announced at Google I/O..

Google affirmed  the existence of the new version of Android named it the 'L release'. it looks like the would have to wait for a better name. At Google I/O, the company stated that the L version of Android OS  will come around  this year in autumn.

 The L developer preview,will be available from 26 June .So get ready from download "Android L" developer preview 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tortoise was given wheels

This tortoise was given wheels after his front legs were gnawed off by rats while hibernating underground.
 The middle part of that sentence definitely is nightmare fuel. But what a funny world , killing humans like rats and saving animals.

New plan for pakistan

Monday, March 24, 2014

How Cartoons are Made , Very Informative Video

This is How Disney and Other cartoons are made. Very informative video . Really creativity in action and a narrowfoucs on minor details. Technology and Art is combined to create awesome cartoons. Cartoon Network, Disney , Nick all are using state of the art technologies to exhibit the unmatchable skills.

vifaqi kabeena ka ijlas

vifaqi kabeena ka ijlas ab janwar bhe mana rhe ha

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ap ki khater is bike par

Zindagi hai Chhoti,har Pal me main Khush hu.
School me Khush tha,
Ghar me Khush raha.
Aaj Paneer nahi hai, Daal me hi Khush hu.

Aaj bike me ghumne ka Waqt aya to is bike pa bhe khush hn

yr mujh sa ni roya jata

Z for Zebra

 main wo he hn js ko ap book ma parhtay ho z for zebra

dhashatgardi ka ye alam

bach kay!!!

shaving ka tareeqa

Baba Ji

                                    o lala kya dakh raha ha apna kam kr

new style swiming krnay ka

Add caption

Like a Boss!

Thas more like it nigga!

A Real Man

Monday, February 24, 2014

Chand Par bhi Dramay Baazi - چا ند پر ڈ ر ا مے با ز ی ہاہاہاہا

Chand par b manjan phakki baichnay walon nay ishtayhar laganay shuru kar diye hain .. mulahiza farmiye

A new thing sighted on moon, really this is amazing :D what do you say about this ? surely we will do this if once we get free access to moon. Wall chalking is our traditional way of advertisement. Some times we experience very funny and unique add on the walls , i will surely post some of the  pics and you are also welcome to share your experiences with me , lets see who go the most hilarious stuff on nearby wall .

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Prime Misinster Laptop Scheme 2014 Eligible List of Government Universities and Criteria

اYouth Laptop Scheme has been publicized by the Mian Nawaz Sharif. PM Laptop Scheme will surprise us in April 2014 and it will offer in Government Institution of higher education by
Eligibility : Govt. Universities
Only entitled for such system and Laptop will offer to the qualified student after appropriate procedure.
Students of Master and students of Doctoral Studies who have 50% in graduate Student will gain the Laptop Scheme 2014.
Total 100,000 Laptop will be distributed amongst the student who got 60% results in last degree of Education.
Conferring to the Laptop distribution in diverse universities overall 53 universities has been obvious for such scheme. Their list for PM Youth Laptop Scheme is

PM  Scheme Eligible Universities List 2014:
  • Balochistan University of Engineering
  • Balochistan University Quetta
  • Bahria University, Islamabad
  • Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan
  • COMSATS Institute Islamabad
  • Dow University Health Sciences Karachi
  • Fatima Jinnah Women Rawalpindi
  • Federal Urdu University Islamabad
  • Frontier Women University, Peshawar
  • Government University, Faisalabad
  • Government College University, Lahore
  • Gomal University, D.I. Khan
  • Hazara University, Dodhial, Mansehra
  • Institute of Business Admin, Karachi
  • Institute of Space Tech, Islamabad
  • Islamic University, Islamabad
  • Islamia University, Bahawalpur
  • Institute of Business Admin, Sukkur
  • Karakuram International University, Gilgit
  • Kohat University of Science & Technology
  • College for Women University, Lahore
  • Lasbelaa University of Agriculture
  • Liaquat University, Jamshoro Sindh
  • Mehran University Jamshoro
  • National College of Arts, Lahore